Friday, June 10, 2011

Happy 5 Months!!

Well, I am about a week behind posting this, but it is better late than never!

Emily was 5 months June 5th. The time has gone by so fast!
Here are a few updates about my little girl:

-She has rolled over a few times both ways...not a ton, but some!

-She is a very happy baby the majority of the time.

-She has turned into a Mama's girl. She gets scared sometimes around other people and let them know she wants her mom. (Hope she gets through this stage quickly. There are times that she even cries when Nana has her. Megan went through this stage I remember, but she always loved her Nana.)
-She went for the first time on a swing this past month....and loved it!

-She is loved by her sister very much, and Emily loves her as well. She watches her so much throughout the day and smiles and laughs with her!

-She went to her first baseball game recently. She did not like the loud noise or all the people and cried for a while when we got there, but she did settle down after a while and seemed to get used to the atmosphere.
-She loves sitting and standing up. So much to see when you are not just lying on the ground.

-She loves pulling the blanket over her head to go to sleep! We go in there at night or during her naps and often just see her feet!

Can't believe next month she will be half a year old!

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