Dec. 5th-It was my 30th birthday....I was not too excited about turning 30, but it turned out to be a fun day! I took the girls to story hour at the library that morning (always fun for all of us as I get to talk to other moms, and Megan gets to see her friends!!). Then a wonderful friend invited another friend and I over who shared the same birthdays for lunch. It was very thoughtful of her to do this, and I very much enjoyed the food and fellowship! Tim had put in a roast when he got home from work and so we were able to have roast beef and potatoes for supper with my parents and sister. It was a great b/c I got to spend it with people I love! (I thought we took one picture on my birthday, but I can't find it??)
Dec. 5th -This day was also Emily 11th month birthday...just can't believe that she was getting so close to a year. Here are a few highlights for her in the last month....
-First trip to Florida as well as on an airplane. She got to meet her aunts, uncles, and cousins for the first time!
-She started signing please and more (finally!!)
-She started blowing kisses as well. Well, she doesn't blow them, just kisses her hand and smiles!
-She learned how to do touchdown with her hands! Uncle Dave taught her that one!
-She went on her first carousel ride with her Aunt Talitha (She was fine standing in line, but when she got on the ride, she saw me and cried the whole ride.)
Dec. 24-25th- Merry Christmas!! We actually did our Christmas festivities on Christmas Eve as Tim had to work on Christmas night. We had mom, dad, and Karen over for pizza. Then Megan and I read through our advent calendar story. (This was such a special time for Megan and I as we did an advent calendar for the first time this year. I will try to get the video of it up so all can see!). We said Luke 2 and sang some Christmas carols, and then opened presents. The girls have enjoyed playing with their gifts so much this last week. On Christmas Day, we had a church breakfast and then a church service. Grandpa and Grandma Varner came to share this day with us! A great Christmas dinner by my mom (although Tim went right to bed after church as he had to work so he missed this). We love celebrating our Saviour's birth. "And you shall call His name Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins." Just a few pictures....
Dec. 27-30th- Grandpa and Grandma's 60 wedding anniversary. What a special time for us to be able to get together and share this special time with such special people! My grandparents are truly an example of what a biblical marriage should look like and examples to all of us in their following of Christ. It was so fun to see my aunts, uncles, cousins and their kids who I haven't seen for so long. The Lord was so good in helping my Grandpa have some good days during this time. We made many good memories. And again, just a few pictures...
Dec. 31st...New Years Eve...Goodbye 2011. I think back on this year and the thought that comes to my mind is God is faithful. I am so undeserving of his faithful love and forgiveness as I am so unfaithful to him and struggle keeping Him first in my life. But God has remained faithful to our family. He has been so good through all of our ups and downs. Praying the Lord gives us another wonderful year in 2012 to love and serve Him. Happy New Year!!