April 27- Megan started running a fever and having headaches.
April 29-May 3- Took Megan to the dr. 3x's. The first time they check her out and didn't see anything. They said to bring her back in 2 days later and they would do blood work. 2 days later we took her back in, and the did more blood work. Everything came back negative. We took her in again 2 days later on Friday b/c we wanted to get her in before the weekend. Again no answers.
May 6-Took Megan back to the dr., They made an appt. with the infections specialist, but couldn't get her into an infections specialist until May 13th. The dr. came in and said that we needed to admit her into the hospital. There was no way we could wait a week as she had been so sick, not eating well, and had thrown up twice this morning.
- She was admitted into the hospital: Blood work, MRI, and chest x-ray done at hospital
May 7-Chest xrays showed early signs of pneumonia and started antibiotics.
May 8- More bad headaches/Lumbar puncture done. Threw up again. Dr. feel like pneumonia is secondary, need to find what is primary cause for all of this. It was determined that she did have meningitis.Waiting to find out if it is viral or bacterial
May 9-More fever/headaches. IV messed up and the fluid got all over her bed. They had to put in another IV..the IV they put in didn't work as it was getting plugged so she had to get another one. No fun for Megs.
May 10- still running fever- Infections specialist was called in to see Megan as she was still running fever. Ultrasound done on her belly to look at her spleen and liver
May 11- Ultrasound came back normal. More blood drawn. More fevers and throwing up. Confirmation that it was viral meningitis. She was started on naproxin to help with fevers and pain.
May 12- Mother's Day-pretty good day/ spiked one fever/ waiting on test results
May 13-More fevers and complaining of a headache again at night.
May 14- the Dr. told us that the Dr. in KC that specializes in auto immune issues does not think that it is systemic rheumatoid arthritis! Encouraging! A neurologist came in to see Megan and believed she had viral meningitis with encephalitis (inflammation is the cerebellum) that is causing the wobbliness. Neurologist ordered some tests.
May 15- More blood drawn/EEG and MRI Done. We were told if MRI came back normal and she was fever free, we may get to go home tomorrow.
May 16- Fever came back in the night and a bad headache-very long night/ vomited once. Another lumbar puncture ordered and more blood work as well as chest xray. If answer is not found, a transfer to Kansas will happen.
May 17- Woke up with bad headache & Fever/ Couldn't keep meds down and was miserable. Lumbar puncture at noon and blood drawn as well when she was sedated. Spinal fluid pressure was up and that would have been causing the headaches. They were able to take enough fluid out to get the pressure which should help with headaches. Got sick to stomach one more time after all this. The neurologist came to the lumbar puncture which we were so thankful for. What he saw confirmed in his mind that it was meningoencephalitis
May 18- Had good day! No fevers or headaches!
May 19-Another good day! Thought we may get to go home tomorrow...
May 20-Megan started having some urinary issues so they decide to take a urine sample. Megan spiked another fever at night.
May 21- Dr. told us Megan had a UTI and started her on antibiotics. hoping to go home tomorrow...
May 22- Megan threw up this morning. The neurologist ordered an MRI on her spinal cord to make sure her urinary issues, walking issues, and reflex abnormalities aren't with her spinal cord. More blood work is to be done as well to see what her inflammation rate is.
May 23- Megan's 3rd MRI was done and blood work taken. A catheter was put in to relieve Megan of her discomfort. Results from MRI were good! Neurologist feels like urinary issues are due to the encephalitis. Inflammation is going down.
May 24- Catheter was taking out. Blood work for the bacteria mycoplasma came back positive which would be the cause of the meningoencephalitis and the pneumonia. So an answer was found! Occupational therapy was done for first time.
May 25- WENT HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So while it was a roller coaster ride, I can honestly say that God was our Rock. We had times of crying, frustration, and other emotions, but we can say that when we put our minds on God and who He is, He gave us a peace that passes all understanding. We are so thankful to say that now 2 1/2 months later, the Lord has done an amazing work in her healing. The dr. calls her "lucky", but we know that we have an all-powerful God who is doing the work!
Megan was such a trooper in the hospital and although there were many tears, she also made many fun memories (as shown below in the pictures). She had wonderful nurses that loved her and had the opportunity to get to know her as she was in there so long. We had so many people praying for us, sending us cards, and helping in so many different areas. The body of Christ is just amazing!
Here are a few (well more than a few!) pictures that were taking during this month.
This is Megan at home...she would get a fever and a bad headache and would just want to sleep. We would put a wet rag on her head and comfort her until the medicine would kick it. Such a long week. |
Megan enjoyed Nick Jr. in the hospital...something we don't have at home. |
The first couple of days she wasn't able to leave the room,so they brought her toys to play with. |
Lots of sleep for sweet Megs. She had lots of animals to choose from to sleep with. |
other |
Megan made a gift for Tim at the craft table. So sweet of her to think of others even though she was the sick one. |
Megan and Emily cuddling while watching a movie. |
Auntie KK also came up almost everyday and kept us all entertained!! |
Such sweet memories. We would have never chosen this, but again, we made some fun memories! |
Something was funny! |
Megan's favorite thing to do in the play room was doing crafts. It was so fun for her to do them with her cousins. |
More snuggles |
Megan loved this ball that was given to her as a gift! |
These sisters love each other! |
Kisses |
Tim's parents drove up all the way from Florida to help us out, and they were a huge help! They stayed with us for a couple of weeks. What a blessing. |
Grandpa Armstrong gave Megan some crazy rides. |
Cousins |
Watching a late night movie. My family would stay so late just to be an encouragement. |
Grandpa and grandma entertaining the girls. |
Last picture before leaving the hospital. We were so happy to get out! |
Last picture with Tim |
Going home!!! Her first time outside in almost 3 week! |