Sunday, October 7, 2007

Gotta Love Date Nights!!!

Yesterday, when I got off work around 6:30, I met Tim at the library, and we proceeded to go out on a date to Golden Corral. Now we were both excited about having a date night, and on top of it, we were using a gift card at Golden Corral to pay for our date night!!! We both stuffed ourselves there if you can all imagine. I am not sure how many times we both got up, but we kept going back for more. We were still full once midnight hit...craziness!!! After we were done eating, we rented a couple of movies from Blockbuster (yes that is two....we were debating on what to get and Tim said let's just watch two movies tonight. I do not think we have ever done that, but I said okay after I asked him if we would even be able to stay awake that late.) So we ended up watching both movies last night and got done at midnight. No too bad at all. I was looking forward to our date night all week...we have not had a "planned" date night in a long time, so it was a blast. I guess if we had more free time and money, we could have them more often, but then they would not be near as special. I think it is better to be able to appreciate the times you do get to have fun dates!!! Plus, Tim and I get to hang out a lot during the week and we have a blast doing that in itself!!! So what kind of things do you do for date nights? Anyone have any creative date ideas?


Melinda McMillen said...

Date night sounds like fun. I'm glad you two had a blast. I can't say that I have any advice on date's been a really long time since I've dated. BUT if I were dating someone here, I'd want to go for a picnic on the beach at sunset....but that's just me. Maybe you've already done that.

Country Meadows Sews said...

Date nights are very special! David and I used to have them quite often, but since he is only home once a month they are few and far between now. I'm so glad that you guys were able to spend some special time together.

Don & Katrina Hines said...

Tis the season for PUMPKIN Carving!!! Or, you can catch a ride on the ferry that goes from Portsmouth to Norfolk for $1 each way per person and then stoll along the slips and check out all the sweet boats (and my favorite - ice cream cones!!!)

Glad you had some quality time!!

T.J. and Shannon said...

I loved looking at your wedding pictures. They turned out great!
In the past for date nights, TJ or I would surprise one another with an evening full of fun that the other was clueless to ahead of time. It fills the evening with anticipation and excitement, especially if you're the one being surprised.

Tiffany Wagner said...

Glad you had such a nice time, dinner and movies are one of our favorite pasttimes too!
We recently went to an apple orchard which was really fun, and we also like to do picnics and walks in the park.