Friday, April 25, 2008


Tim has officially turned in his last project for his class in seminary!!! He is done. I am so excited to know that every weekend and night will be free from his schoolwork. His graduation is next Sunday. As you can tell, I am so pumped about this!! We have a few months to spend together before Baby comes so we are definitely going to enjoy and cherish this time!! Good Job Tim!!!!

As for me, I have good and bad days. Overall, I would have to say that I have been somewhere in between with sickness. I have not been as bad as some other women who have been pregnant, but I have been definitely not felt well. I try to remind myself to be thankful because it could be worse, but then when I am not feeling well, that is a hard thing to remember. I usually feel the worst at should probably label this night sickness!! Tim has been wonderful though to me. He has been very faithful in helping me during my times of not feeling well. He has even gotten up to get me a bowl of cereal in the middle of the night/early morning. (That is amazing as Tim is very hard to wake up, but he has gotten up right away for this!!) I am still working, but have been able to only work for 32-34 hours each week so that has been nice. (That will change soon though and I will have to work 40 hours each week so I am hoping that it will happen when I am over the sickness.) God has been so good in helping me get through the days at work. And yes, I am starting to outgrow some clothes. Belly is starting to stick out...kind of a weird stage as I feel fat rather than pregnant.

Other than that, not much has been going on in our lives. We have a busy summer ahead with Tim's parents coming for his graduation, a trip to Kansas mid-May, and then we are going on a short vacation in June to celebrate our first anniversary, etc. Lots of fun times ahead!!


Becky Gravley said...

thanks for all your little notes on our blog...they're fun to read =) awesome job, tim, on finishing seminary!!! we definitely know how that feels, so we're sooooo excited for you. being pumped about this doesn't even begin to describe it, huh? it's a great accomplishment, and we're proud of you for sticking it out. glad your pregnancy is going well, but the sickness is very hard to handle. i remember very well. did karis tell you about the medicine i took. it's a motion sickness pill called bonine (you can find it in generic too). make sure you ask your doc before you take it just to be sure, but mine said it was fine to take. i took half a pill on the days when i was yucky feeling and then a whole pill on the really bad days. it really took the edge off, but it didn't take it away all together. i know everyone always has their ideas, and for me, not really anything worked. one great thing to try to remember is to keep your stomach about 1/2 way full (not too full, not too empty). i'll definitely pray for you. it's a really hard thing to live with every day, and it feels like it will never end. i hope you have a good weekend and get lots of rest. i'm glad tim is taking good care of you. trav is just the same way...thank the Lord for our sweet men! =)

Katie Barker said...

Kristen I am so excited for you. You're pregnant and your Tim is done with seminary!! I don't know if my excitement is without jealousy :) Praise the Lord for his goodness. I hope you'll post pictures soon of your baby bump!

Don & Katrina Hines said...

Yeah for Tim! Great job and we look forward to celebrating with you next weekend . . . with baby or with HUGE-O baby bump! =)

So excited to see where God leads your family! We love you guys!

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Laura D said...

Congratulations Tim! Can't wait for Roderick to be done with the semester. We still have awhile yet. He's sure going to miss having a ride next year to work. Although maybe just maybe you'll stay around for awhile! = )
Kristen you do not look fat at all. Can't even tell your getting a bump yet. Enjoy spending some time with your husband!

Laura D said...

Roderick is almost done with school for the semester. I meant we have awhile till we are done completely!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!!! It must feel so great. Keep us posted on your lives!

Karis said...

Yeah, Tim! Yeah, Kristen! So happy for you guys. I so remember the feeling when Dan graduated.

Like the pregnancy ticker.

Nate, Kris, Adrianna and Natalie said...

So sorry you're feeling kind of sick, Kristen. I had the exact same thing, nightsickness and it stunk. I'm 16 wks now and feeling much better, if that gives you any hope. I think I started to feel better around wk 14, but I know everyone's different. And once you feel the little peanut kicking, it makes it all worth it. :) How cool that we'll have babies only a month or so apart! Are you going to find out what you're having?

cranny + b said...

hey! I found it!

It was good to talk with you at Panera today! Hope you enjoy tonight's service and having Tim's family in town. I know this is a special time!