Tuesday night of last week was the night that I went into labor and went in the hospital. I thought I should post her birth story tonight as this is the one week mark....so this is the birth story of Megan, so if you are not interested, feel free to just skip this post.
Last Tuesday night around 10:30 or 11:30 pm, I started having lower back pains. They were not too bad, and I figured it was really nothing. I called Tim at work around 12:30 and told him my lower back was hurting but it was probably nothing. Soon after that I noticed I was bleeding some...I called a nurse, and she sounded like it was just the beginning of labor. Well, about 15 minutes after that, I noticed the bleeding getting a little heavier. That really scared me. I realized that I was most likely experiencing contractions as the pain had moved to the front as well. I called my mom, and she came over to our apartment (My sister Karen was already here as she had been staying with me at nights while Tim was gone just in case I went into labor...It was so nice to have her here as she helped me get ready to go to the hospital.) I called Tim back and told him we were going to go to the hospital...now at this point, I was just worried about the bleeding. I did not really know if they would just send me home if it was nothing or what so Tim and I decided he would wait at work to hear what would happen. He would come right over if they decided to admit me. (He had just started this new job so we wanted to make sure that this was the real thing before he left...he was only like 10 minutes away anyways.
I got to the hospital and when they checked me, they saw I was 6 cm...I was like no way...are you sure? So here I was...starting to feel my contractions for sure soon after 12:30 or so and here I was at a 6. I was like we got to call Tim and he needs to get here before she comes (I laugh now at my stressing because he had plenty of time to get there!!!) I got checked into the hospital around 2:30 or so. They hooked everything up. At about 4:30, I was able to get an epidural...I was then dilated at a 7...It was so funny because I felt so good after that...Mom and Karen came in and we just hung out. Tim was on facebook and email sending out messages that Megan was on the way. It was probably around 7:00 that I was at a 10cm but I was only at +1 position...I had to wait until +2. Well, it was probably around 8:00, that I got sick to my stomach. All of a sudden, I went to a +3...by this time, the epidural had worn off and I could feel everything. My back was killing me and I was feeling the contractions...I was so ready to push, but my nurse told me that the dr. was on his way...he was 15 minutes away...I was like he needs to get here. That was the most painful 15 minutes of my life I think...they tried to give me some more of my epidural, but it did not work. N-way, I started pushing around 8:20 or so. At 8:57, Megan Hope was born.
It was the greatest thing to have her in my arms. I definitely shed a few tears of joy!!! I am so thankful to the Lord for the healthy pregnancy and birth of Megan. The Lord gave me a wonderful doctor and nurse. The nurse was so great as I was in labor, and she helped me so much. Tim of course was wonderful as well. He was right by my side the whole time and encouraging me.
I am going to try to post more tomorrow about our first week with Megan. I am so thankful to the Lord for her. She is already a joy to both Tim and I!!
Thanks for sharing the story. Gave me little tears in my eyes. "New Life" stories always do that to me. There was one thing I am still questioning...Did you guys get a new apartment? I'm so glad to hear you are enjoying motherhood!
Oh, my goodness! How did I miss the news that Megan was born?! CONGRATULATIONS! She is such a cutie! God is good:)
Thanks for sharing your story. Glad to hear that everything is going well with you! Can't wait to see more pictures of your adorable little one.
Yeah for epidurals -- I was sorry to hear yours had worn off by the end but it gave you a break before the pushing came at least!
Megan, we are so glad you are here! We love your Mommy, Daddy, and you very much.
what a great story!! glad to hear it went so well! thanks for sharing.
Way to go, Trooper Kristen, hahah! So glad Megan arrived smoothly - although I too am sorry to hear that your epidural faded at the end...Welcome, Megan!!
I'm so glad everything went so well! Only I can't imagine waiting 15 minutes when you're ready to push - yikes! Megan is beautiful. Congratulations,you guys.
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