Monday, April 13, 2009

Megan's 5th Month

A quick post of the changes in Megan's life over the last month. She is starting to discover how to make other sounds, one that sounds a lot like "momma." She is also working on mastering the art of the "kiss." And she has just started to "sit" pretty well. She is pretty wobbly at times but is starting to get the hang of it.


Anonymous said...

Clear evidence of a superior grandchild. When's the next one? Er, video, that is . . .

Unknown said...

Megan is truly awesome and superior -- I so agree with Grandpa Armstrong!!! How we love her! This has been one awesome day -- being able to watch videos of all three of our precious granddaughters -- what more could a doting grandparent ask for!

Karis said...

Megan, you're learning so many things -- enjoy this time of learning without studying! Life doesn't continue that way. :-)

Kristen and Tim, we loved the video! Kayla got the giggles over the kissy sounds. When she watched the sitting part she said, "See, they have toys too." :-) At the end she says, "Can you turn it back on?"

Dianne said...

Tracy has the same "ball". Megan is doing very well sitting! Do you have a "boppy"? - the half doughnut pillow thing. It is nice to sit them in while they are learning to sit...that way if they fall over they have padding to catch them.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting video of Megan. She tries so hard to imitate her Mom. It was good to see Tim last week. We are glad he made it home safely with the van.


Amanda said...

That is just the sweetest thing!