Yesterday was my 18 month birthday! I am really getting to be a big girl. I weighed 24.6 pounds and was 31 inches tall. (My mama schedule my dr. appointment on this important day of my life, and I had to get shots. I did not like them at all. Plus I had to wait in the dr. office for 1 1/2 hours. That is a long time to be couped up with no toys. But I was a trooper!)
I am learning quite a few new words. Some of my newer words I have been saying are baby, Nay Nay (my friend Alayna nickname!), mow, no-no (not really a new one for me, but I like to say that a lot when Mama and Dada talk to me. They don't like that word, but I make sure I say it REALLY cute and with a smile!), keys, and na (fan!).
My favorite toy is my baby. I love taking my baby in her little stroller. My mom found a baby stroller for me at a garage sale and I love it. My favorite DVD is Cedarmont Kids. I love the songs This Little Light of Mine, If Your Happy and you Know it, Jesus Love the Little Ones Like Me, and The B-I-B-L-E. My best friends are Katy, Alayna, and Caleb. They go to my church. I get to see them 2-3 times a week. They are very nice to me! I also love writing with pens. I just learned to take off the caps or click them so that I am now able to draw now. It is a lot of fun (Mama is not a huge fan of pens though??) I love going to parks. I love my papa, nana, and Auntie K K. They spoil me a lot! I like helping my mom loading and unloading the dishwasher (she lets me do the silverware.), doing laundry, and sweeping the kitchen floor.
Enjoy the pictures!