Anna Faith was born June 3rd at 1:55 am. (She was due June 14th so she was 1 1/2 weeks early which I was happy for!) Here is her birth story!!
June 2nd- Tim was on his 3rd night off of work and was going to have to go back to work Sunday night. He had been telling me that today (June 2nd) was the perfect day to have the baby so that he would not have to go back to work for 4 weeks! (He was able to get off 4 weeks for the baby which has been such a blessing!) So we talked on and off on Saturday about having a baby that day.
That night after supper, the girls were asleep by like 7:30 this night which is a rare occasion at our house (especially for Megan). I was trying to decide what I would do that night as Tim was studying for Sunday School. When he was done, we decided to make cookies, play a game of Scrabble, and just chat! During that time, I would tell Tim when I had a contraction, and eventually he said, "You are having quite a few contractions." I decided that I would go on a walk with my mom to see if I could "help" out with labor! I went over to my mom's house about 9pm, and we decided to walk to Apple Market. The whole walk, I was not feeling well and was just uncomfortable. I got home around 9:45 or so and decided to take a bath to see if my contraction would go away. Probably about 10 pm, Tim gets ready to go to the hospital as I was having pretty consistent contractions, but I was telling him that I wanted to wait to make sure (I did not want to get sent home from the hospital.). Tim had me call my mom about 10:30 to come over to the house. I was trying to figure out if I should go or not. Tim kept saying we need to go as contraction 5-6 minutes apart (some closer). I kept saying, I am not sure. Well, about 11:30, the contractions were coming on stronger, I said, yes, let;s go. (It is about a 30 minute drive to the hospital!) I called my sister Karen to tell her I was going to the hospital and to come on. (She was in there for Anna's birth)

June 3rd: We got to the hospital at 12:05am. They took me into the 1st room to decide if they would admit me. (Apparently, the nurse told the hospital Dr. that they would probably send me home as I did not look uncomfortable enough. She did not say this in front of me so I did not find out this until later.) When the Dr. checked me, I was dilated a 6 and he told the nurse, that she was wrong about thinking she would send me home. Tim told me that I should have listened to him earlier that night about needing to go to the hospital!
I was taken to the delivery room about 12:30ish. Immediately, I asked for an epidural. (I asked too late for Emily's birth and decided I would not make the same mistake.) I received the epidural at about 1am. The OB Dr. came in soon after that (I found out my Dr. was out of town so it was another one in the same practice. I was thrilled to see the Dr. was already there as with my first two babies I had to wait like 15 for the Dr. to get there so I could start pushing.) I told the Dr. thanks for coming and being ready for me! He came back about 1:20 and broke my water. About 1:30, I knew it was time to push. The Dr. came in, got everything ready, and I start pushing. I pushed through 4 contractions, and out comes Anna Faith at 1:55 am!! Less than 2 hours in the thankful for a quick birth and this was the "easiest" birth and recovery so far!
We are so thankful to the Lord for giving us another little girl! We love being a family of five!!