Friday, November 14, 2014

Timothy- 1 Month

 I don't want Timothy to grow up too quickly, but it is nice in some ways that we are to the 1 month mark.  A couple of reasons: 1) He is going about 4-4 1/2 hours of sleep at night in between feedings. 2.) Nursing is going much better!!!  He is a very good baby, and we just love his cuddles. He s 19.14 inches (although he measure 19 1/2 inches at his birth. Measuring length is a little hard to get totally accurate) which is 25%.  He weighed 7 lb. 10 oz. (50%), and his head was in the 30%.

Here are a few pictures from his first month!
Great Grandpa Riffel got to hold Timothy for the 1st time.
Great Grandma Riffel got to hold Timothy for the first time.

Megan loves holding Timothy and does a great job.

Emily is the "motherly" of the three girls and just loves him so much.

Timothy lying in his bassinet. This has gone through 2 of Karis' kids and now 4 of mine!

Cuddles with Emily

Gotta watch Anna as she is rough, but she does love him.

Auntie KK loves getting cuddles from Timothy

HE is definitely a great catch!! Love baby boy clothes!

Tim relaxing as TImothy sleeps on him.

Megan is trying to entertain Timothy with her toy.
Timothy's first Sunday in church. Daddy kept him in the nursery during the evening service.

Timothy slept his first time in church away!

One of his sisters gave him a little stuffed bunny to play with.

Not a huge fan of his first bath...

But he got used to it....

But he hated getting out of the water.

cute overalls

Timothy in deep thought!
Grandpa and Grandma Armstrong came for a visit to see Timothy.  They were so sweet to come and help us as we adusted to our 4th one!

Grandma Armstrong loves giving babies baths so she got to give Timothy a couple of baths.

Timothy and Grandpa snoozing away.

The famous picture with Grandma and his chocolate for the baby.

Grandma Armstrong enjoying her cuddles.

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