Monday, January 26, 2015

Thanksgiving 2014

 We have a nice Thanksgiving this year at my mom's house.  It was a small group of us with my family, my grandparents, Justin & Karen, and my parents obviously.  I didn't get as many pictures as I wanted. I had big ideas of taking a family picture and one of the kids of the cute turkey headbands that G& G Armstrong got them, but it just didn't happen.

So much to be thankful for...not just on Thanksgiving but all the time.  Thankful for this special day with my wonderful family.  Here are a few pictures!

Anna and Grandpa in turkey hats.  
Megan and Grandpa 

Anna and I

Megan and I

Mom in her Cameroonian apron which reminded us all of the Seelys.  We split up what food to bring between all of us.  It was a very yummy meal!

Timothy's first Thanksgiving.  "I'm Stuffed"is on his Thanksgiving onsie.  What a blessing this little guy has been to my heart.  Such a different Thanksgiving this year than last year.  It was such a hard time last year during Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Through the good and the bad though, God is on the throne and is ALWAYS GOOD!

Taking naps...why Emily is lying on Tim's back with her his shirt as his cover...who knows?  But it was nap time.

Can you tell we were excited to skype with the Seelys?
Anna with her new Dora bike.  We opened up Emily and Anna's Christmas presents early from G & G Armstrong.  It was such beautiful weather, and it was perfect to go for a bike ride!

Emily with her new Hello Kitty bike

Megan loved having her sisters to ride her bike with.  I love her big smile on her face.  

Go Anna.

The church parking lot is a perfect place to ride.  I foresee a lot of bike riding in our future!

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