Monday, November 9, 2015

Rock River Rapids Fun

One fun adventure we got to do this summer was go to Rock River Rapids.  We were able to go twice in fact!  We participated in the Derby Library Reading Program, and they gave out free Rock River Rapid passes for completing the program.  We  enjoyed cashing in on those!

We were able to go the first time with my sister, her sister-in-law, and her girl.

 The girls enjoyed going swimming with their cousin,, Victoria!
The 2nd time we were able to go, Tim went with us, and Nana watched Timothy. It was a fun time!

Emily on a slide.

Anna just enjoying the water

Megan shooting a sprayer.

Megan was SO excited b/c she was able to go on the slides as she was tall enough to get an arm band.  The first time we went which was like 2 weeks prior, they told her she was a little too short. She was loving being able to go on the slides and went on all of them but the really steep one.  She wanted to, and we said no way!!  She would  not have liked it!

The girls relaxing after a fun afternoon.
 Megan also enjoyed taking swimming lessons there this summer. It was her 2nd summer of lessons, and she was able to complete level 2.  She enjoyed going to swim lessons and seemed to learn a lot.
Megan's first swimming lesson of the summer

She passed level 2!

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