Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Baby Krista Joy


mitchells2000 said...

Congratulations on being an aunt again! Krista is adorable (as is Kayla!) I'm glad you got to see her on the day she was born! :-)

Don & Katrina Hines said...

I'm glad that worked out for all of you guys to be up there that day. (It probably was the only day that all of you have the day off together!). I was wondering when the proud aunt was going to display pictures of the new niece!

Congratulations Auntie!

Jen and Mark said...

hey it was good to hear from you. at first i was a little confused. but i figured it out. i was looking back at some of your blogs and i was wondering how you met your husband and how he proposed. i'm a sucker for a romantic story. :) anyway - i hope that you have a great day!!! congrats on becoming an aunt again!

Karis said...

What a great day October 28 was!