Tuesday, August 25, 2009

So far behind....

I have not blogged in so long, and I am so far behind in news so I will TRY to do a quick catchup. As I emphasize TRY to do a QUICK catchup...no promises.

Let's see here...quick update for July....

Karis, Kayla, and Krista were able to fly back and visit us for about a month! It was so much fun seeing them again. This was the first meeting between Megan and her Aunt Karis and cousins, and I was SO thankful that they got to meet each other. They flew back so they could attend my little sister's wedding. We did so many things when they were here...read books, went swimming, went to the park, went to the zoo, went to Chuck E Cheese (Kayla's birthday party!), went to McDonalds, etc. There was never a dull moment! Megan loved playing with her cousins. Also, we were able to hear the wonderful news while they were here that Karis is expecting her third baby! I am so excited to be an aunt again!!!! It was a very sad time when we had to say our goodbyes, but I am so thankful the Lord gave us this opportunity to see them and not have to wait a whole 4 years to see them. Now, the next time I get to see them is 3 years...that is so much better than 4!!

We had a family reunion on my mom's side that we attended the weekend before Karen's wedding. We were able to see some Aunts, Uncles, and cousins we had not seen in a while. We really enjoy being able to go to the reunion!

Karen got married July 25th. The wedding went very well, and course Karen was a beautiful bride!!! Of course the couple weeks before were somewhat busy, but I do not think there was too much stress other than the normal stress that comes with weddings. All of the Varner kids are now married!

Nothing much has happened so far in August other than the normal routine. Tim is still busy working his 3rd shift job (We are still praying for another job with a better work schedule than 3rd shift.) and working with the youth. I am just chasing Megan around as she is all over the place and super busy! Megan, well, she is just giving us so many smiles and laughs these days as well as a few opportunities for discipline (maybe more than a few!). She is definitely a busy baby...doesn't sit too long in one place. She is now almost 10 months (on the 29th!). I can't believe how big she is getting. The nursery worker for Sunday School told me that she "talked" the whole time during Sunday School. Uh,oh it looks like she is taking after me...I guess I get what I deserve! She is about 18 1/2 pounds...not sure how tall. She has 3 bottom teeth, is trying to get the 4th, and no top teeth yet. She gives us many kisses (open mouthed!), claps, waves bye bye, walks along anything that will support her, says mama, points to things, starting to sign please, etc. It is so fun to see her learn little things!

The Lord has closed doors at this point concerning buying a house. We are so disappointed but know the Lord is in control. We thought we had a house twice in the last couple of weeks, but both times, it did not work out. So for now, we are learning to be content living in Wichita 15-20 minutes away from the church. I should say I am the one more learning. Tim accepts things a lot better than me:) But I am so thankful the Lord has clearly shown us His will in this area. We are still open to buying a house, but we are waiting right now. We are also gearing up for another Awana year starting the 1st week of September! We are very excited about Awana this year.

Hope you enjoy the pictures! Sorry there are so many.


Karis said...

I hear ya with the "so far behind." I think I'm going to start with "now" blogs and then backtrack although my guess is that I will never truly backtrack. :-)

Sorry to hear about the housing thing but as we've talked about, at least God's direction was clear. Still, I know it is a disappointment.

We had so much fun hanging out with you and Meggers and Tim whenever he could -- bless his heart!

Krista is still calling you "Auntie Chicken" and Kayla is still laughing like it's the funniest thing in the world.

Anonymous said...

About Megan talking her head off, taking after you, well, probably not. We had Tim sit at the end of the dinner table to keep him from doing irritating things to his sisters. From there he would regale us nearly non-stop with his activities, observations and "jokes." The closest we have to that bit of entertainment now is Dylan but he's only 9, tho he is entertaining. We tried Aubrey at the end, but she's too quiet for the position, and Katelyn's even worse.

Uh-Oh! Maybe Megan is taking after both her parents?

Dad A

jess said...

Yeah!! Happy 10 months to Meg... she's looking so big! Glad you had a wonderful month of family visits - love that pic of everyone playing the panio - looks like you were able to make many memories!