Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Mother's Day

I am so thankful for the children God has blessed me with in our family.  The Lord has given me 3 wonderful girls that I get to enjoy, Baby Blessing who I never was able hold, and a baby boy who is on the way.  I have always been reminded on Mother's Day how thankful I should be for the children God has provided, but this Mother's Day had a little heartache as I was never able to meet and hold my Baby Blessing.  Yet, God has been so good to us.

I am forever thankful for my mother as well.  I am so privileged to be able to have lived close by to her for the last 5 1/2 years.  I never imagined I would be raising my family in the same town as her and working with her at our church.  She has been such an encouragement and help to me.  I am also thankful for my mother in law.  Although we are not able to see her as often as we would like, I am forever grateful to her in her raising of her son.  She has loved me as a daughter and I feel like family with them.

Here are a few pictures!
A week before Mother's Day, we had a mother/daughter banquet at our church.  I took Megan and Emily with me to this special banquet. They were so excited for this date! (Anna stayed home with year, she will join us!)

Mother's Day with my sweeties!

After church picture of my grandma, mom, sister, and my 3 girls.  My mom cooked up a wonderful meal on Mother's Day...she is always serving.
I loved this picture of Anna with her Auntie KK. How fun it is to have Auntie KK so close to us!

What a sweet this girl!

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